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Knee health: with Dr. Ed Race

Strong, stable knees are important in sports and every day life.  Check out this quick video to learn about common [Read More]

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Try this movement to compensate for all of the pressing in your workouts, and avoid injury.  You’ll also prevent posture [Read More]

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Lower Body Structural Balance: A Thumbnail Sketch

Poor structural balance in the lower body is the cause of many injuries.  It can also hold you back from [Read More]

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Seated Cable Row to Face

This rear delt move will help keep your shoulders balanced and strong.

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Supraspinatus Raise

Use this motion to maintain healthy shoulders.  Fewer aches and pains.  More strength.

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Bent Over Dumbbell Trap 3

This standing, supported exercise for your lower trapezius is great for correcting posture issues like forward shoulder lean.  This will [Read More]

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Structural Balance

Structural balance in the human body, if perfectly developed, would allow all of your muscles to be proportionately developed.  You’d [Read More]

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