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Correcting a Pause in Your Clean

This video is in response to a client’s question; Peter was struggling with a pause at the top of his [Read More]

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Split Position Press

Try this overhead press from the split position.  You’ll build balance, core strength, and shoulder mobility all in one simple [Read More]

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Snatch Pulls Demo.

Use Snatch Pulls to build explosiveness in your Snatch (the competitive Olympic lift), or as a stand alone exercise to [Read More]

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Clean Pull

The clean pull is a segment of an Olympic Clean.  It can be used to build up to the full [Read More]

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Snatch Demo.

The snatch is a great exercise for developing SPEED.  You’ll also be working on power in your legs and core, [Read More]

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Push Press

Develop explosive power with this overhead movement.  Watch this video to see how it’s done. *Stay Tight!  *Abs Engaged!

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Overhead Squat

The overhead squat is great for assessing and developing total body flexibility and basic strength.  By evaluating your overhead squat form, you can pinpoint areas of weakness or tightness to target during your training.  I’ll show you how.

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This classic Olympic lift develops strength, speed, and power.  It will also help you develop body awareness and coordination. Read [Read More]

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