Our culture is built around the idea that every person is capable of whatever they set their minds to. I don’t believe in talent, or in one person being born better than another. I’ve traveled the globe, and trained with the world’s best coaches and athletes. You can apply the mindset of these winning athletes to all areas of your life to start winning in business, fitness, health, and even relationships.
Gabriel Miranda: Professional MMA Athlete
William Dunkle: Professional MMA Athlete
Michael Garcia: Professional MMA Athlete
Doug Collins: Professional MMA Athlete
Talon Hoffman: Professional MMA Athlete
Tracey Stone: Boston Marathon Finisher
Austin Glenn: MMA Athlete
Anthony N: Police, SWAT, and Bomb Squad
E.J. Miranda: Champion Weightlifter, Strongman competitor, and Jiu-Jitsu player.
Lindsay K: Weight loss success
Jessica J.: Wildland Fire Hotshot Crew
Jared Craine: MMA Athlete
Joel U: Senior Firefighter/Medic
Canyon Springs High School Weightlifting Clinics
Mountain View High School Softball
Captain Steve T.: Firefighter