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Bicep Curls for Squat Mobility?!

Time in the gym can be precious.  With all the other responsibilities in life, it’s important to streamline your training [Read More]

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Sticking Points- Stuck at the bottom?

If you want to squat to full depth, and you’ve been having trouble getting yourself moving out of that “hole” [Read More]

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Front Squat

Use the front squat to build powerful legs.  Also, front squats are a great exercise for improving your Olympic cleans.

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Back Squat

One of the best exercises for overall strength development.  Also, when strength training for weight loss, squats will burn huge amounts of calories.  You’ll build muscle, improve body composition, affect hormone levels, and more.

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Body-weight Squat

A basic move for building strength in your legs.  You’ll also develop strength in your core and butt, plus you’ll [Read More]

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