Start here to change everything

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👉 I’m about to give you the REAL SECRET FORMULA for a fit body and your dream life. Step One: Re-education.  Write down everything your mom told you about fitness…

Eat low fat

Do lots of cardio

Counting calories 🙄

And forget it ❌❌❌❌

Step Two: Buy in.Are you REALLY READY to make this change? Why is this time different than all the others? Why now?… if you commit, so will I.I will hold your hand through every step of this, and we will change your life.

IT WORKS!  I’ll take out all the guess work for you.  1+1=2 every single time.  You’ve just never had the right FORMULA… until now.

Step 3: Start at the foundation.  You’ll get more than just workouts.  I WILL give you science based exercise programs, and daily support to follow them, but also…

— accountability

— mindfulness techniques to lock in for success

— fitness lifestyle hacks

— no more anxiety

— more confidence

You’re going to develop RADICAL NEW BELIEFS about what you’re capable of.

How do I know this will work for you?  Decades of trial and error.

I used to be the skinny kid who quit at everything.

I dropped out of college and had two failed businesses.

I felt hopeless. Lost.

Maybe you’ve felt that way too.

I even battled suicidal thoughts. I was ready to give up.

Until applying THESE SECRETS changed my life.

Now, I’ve been coaching professional athletes for 10+ years using this POWERFUL SYSTEM.

I’ve been a professional firefighter, EMT, and an air ambulance team member. 🚁

I’ve become an MMA fighter, competetive weightlifter, and endurance athlete.

— No more anxiety.

— No more feeling insecure.

And I’ve been able to help hundreds of regular folks change their lives and bodies through fitness and mental training.

Schedule Your Phone Call

Karen got back into shape after heart surgery, in her 60’s.

Mary lost 50 lbs; quit alcohol, nicotine, antidepressants, and pain killers.

Jacob got an athletic scholarship to college.

Blake, a chiropractor by trade, got in shape and had his first MMA bout at 38.

Judy was able to hike again, after a knee replacement.

Gabriel lost 40 lbs and returned to pro sports after a 3 year retirement.

Flint stopped taking insulin.

Dozens of clients have avoided or recovered from back surgeries with corrective exercise!

What’s your story?

Space in my program is extremely limited, so click the link, and let’s start with a phone call.No obligation— let’s just see if we’re a good fit. I only want to work with the most committed clients, who are really ready for transformation—

If I commit to you, I’m all the way in.  Are you ready?

Schedule Your Phone Call