Discover An MMA Fighter And Top Trainer’s Secret…

5 Life-Changing FREE Exercises

Virtually Guaranteed To Eliminate Back, Neck,and Shoulder Pain Once And For All!

If you suffer from old injuries, chronic pain in your back, neck and shoulders, or mysterious aches that have developed over your years of working out (or worse: not working out)… These 5 exercises can completely reverse your agony.

Best of all… You can download them FREE.

“I was able to lose 100 LBS after eliminating pain in my knees.” -Kelsie N.
“I almost retired from athletics and opted for back surgery. Joe’s training helped me fix my back pain and become a professional fighter.” -Doug C.

—MMA Fighter/Fireman And Coach To The Pros Speaks Out About—

The Secret Causes Of Pain

Hi, my name is Joe…

I’m a strength coach, Firefighter, MMA Athlete, and founder of Joe To Pro

I’ve coached professional MMA fighters, worked with Olympians, elite coaches, and digested thousands of pages of the latest research to bring you these 5 exercises.

The simple fact most people DON’T know is…

The majority of pain can be fixed by increasing-

BOTH strength and flexibility — in the RIGHT way.

Everyone knows that improving your core strength is important for lessening back pain.

But there are 35 different muscle groups that add up to dozens of different core muscles in your body, and most training programs do NOT train the core correctly to prevent injuries and reduce pain.

Likewise, most stretches do almost nothing for the problems that *really* cause injuries during your daily life and during your workouts.

The answer is a science based plan

and PROVEN exercises that

Target the EXACT muscle groups involved in pain

These 5 exercises are so helpful, I NEED to get them into your hands – so I’m giving them away for absolutely FREE. No strings attached!

Here’s What’s Inside Of Your Free Download…

“The 5 Dynamic Stretching & Core Exercises

That Eliminate Back, Neck, and Shoulder Pain”

A Series of 5 Workout Videos Designed To

Relieve Your Pain And Rejuvenate Your Strength

Here’s Some Of What You’ll Find Inside:

Prevent And Reverse Pain – 5 exercises that build up your body to get rid of pain in your shoulder, knees, neck, and back.

Rebuild And Retrain – Learn how to build a sturdy foundation to your body that prevents future injuries by getting back to the basics.

Core Strength Development – How to strengthen your core the RIGHT way — and protect your spine in a way that makes you almost injury-proof while working out.

Structural Balance – Discover what it is, the proper way to achieve it, and why it can revolutionize your mobility in workouts and everyday life.

Lifestyle Changes – Learn how to change your habits and take control of your life. Fitness results will follow; guaranteed.

Here’s What Others Are Saying—

“I lost 80 LBS after reducing pain in my hip and back! Plus I quit antidepressants, blood pressure pills, and vaping.” – Mary A.
“After some time out of the gym, I got back into shape and made my department’s SWAT team.” -Anthony N., Savannah PD
“I lost 40 LBS and my bad shoulders don’t hurt anymore.” -Lindsay

This Is Your Chance To Reverse The Pain

… if you put in the work!

If you’re like me, life isn’t worth living if your body is in pain. You can’t hit your goals if injuries are always holding you back. Imagine yourself at peak performance like you were in the prime of your life. If you put in the work, it can happen!

How would you like to go…


  • No Energy
  • Always in Pain
  • Overweight
  • Lack of Ability
  • Depressed


  • Lively and Vigorous
  • No Aches or Pains
  • Increased Mobility
  • Reduced Injuries
  • Peak Strength

Sound Good? Then Sign Up FREE And Get Started!

I’ll see YOU on the other side…